
Saturday, May 7, 2016

How to create your own Wedding RSVP HOTLINE using Google Voice


To keep the cost of our paper suite down, I was decidedly against having RSVP cards returned by mail. We live in an age where a lot of people handle their business online or by phone, and from there everything is recorded electronically. Not only did I not want the extra costs, I didn’t want the extra hassle. For starters, our wedding website offers a customizable RSVP form. We’re able to ask very specific questions, make required fields, and generate a spreadsheet of all RSVPs received. Why consider anything else? The website couldn’t be more perfect. BUT—and there always seems to be a “but” when it comes to wedding planning—by nixing mail returned RSVPs I was left with one conundrum: How do we ensure that everyone is able to RSVP?—even our not-so tech savvy guests?
The phone, of course! The only option in my mind was an awesome RSVP service that featured a live agent who would record all of the information. Unfortunately, the company stopped offering it just in time for my wedding, and paying money to have our guests call an answering machine was out of the question—especially with rates starting at $130. Thanks, but no thanks! Nonetheless, what I thought to be a huge setback turned out to be a huge cost-saving hurdle in the form of Google Voice.
In various searches for “RSVP (this and that)” there was always at least one bride amongst the threads I’d been reading that mentioned Google Voice. Reluctantly, I pursued it because it seemed to be my only option. I wasn’t happy. However, once it was done and I realized how easy it was, I felt ashamed of the attitude I had going in. In a few short steps, we got a personalized RSVP hotline that people can’t even pay money for.
What makes Google Voice so great? Of course, the top reason on my list is the cost—absolutely NOTHING. Other features include one number to ring all of the phones of your choosing, an online voicemail with transcriptions sent to you by email or text, call blocking and custom greetings.
It should go without saying that in order to use Google Voice you must have a Google/Gmail account and an active phone line to receive calls on. The phone line can be a mobile or landline phone. On behalf of Google, I apologize to all of the international budget savvy brides who may be interested in Google Voice. Unfortunately, this service is limited to the US and you must have an existing US number to get a Google Voice number.
Understanding instructions for Google Voice can be a little confusing, particularly at the point after you’ve gotten the phone number and need to figure out how to set-up your greeting. With that said, here’s a comprehensive breakdown of how to set up your own Google Voice RSVP line:

Step 1 – Set up your phone number

  • Go to www.google.com/voice. Read and accept Google Voice’s terms and privacy policies.
  • When prompted to choose a new number or use your existing number, select “I want a new number.”
  • Before selecting a Google Voice number, you must decide which of your existing phone numbers you’d like to have calls routed to. Enter that number and continue.
  • Google will need to verify the number you entered is your own so have your phone handy. You will be prompted to click “call me now” and enter the 2-digit verification code on your screen. Go ahead and do that.
  • Now, you’re ready to pick a number. The next screen will ask if there is an area, zip code, city and/or a word, phrase, or number that you’d like to use in the available numbers you’ll pick from. Go with what works best for you.  Pick your number; write it down; and select “Finish.” Step 1 is complete.
Congratulations! You now have your very own Google Voice number.  Easy-peasy!

 Step 2 – Choose your settings

I mentioned that the next steps after setting up a Google Voice number can be a little confusing. At least it was for me. And if you find yourself feeling that way I’ll walk you through it quickly in the video tutorial that you can watch here. (For some reason we are having trouble embedding the video in the blog post– sorry about that!)

Step 3 – Record your personalized greeting

It’s show time! Before you press record, make sure to have your script ready. Script?—yes, script. How else will you be prepared to let your guests know what information to leave? It doesn’t have to be difficult. Tony and I prepped a short script and it went something like this:
Tony:  Thanks for calling, you’ve reached the RSVP line for the future Mr. and Mrs. Tony Hall Jr.
Naja:  We hope to see you at our wedding on August 20, 2016!
Tony:  After the tone, please say the first and last names of the guests you are RSVPing for.
Naja:  And, if you can’t make it or are only able to attend a certain portion of our wedding festivities, we understand…just let us know after the tone.  We’re very much looking forward to celebrating with you…hope to see you soon.
Cute, huh?  :-)
Once your script is ready, click “Record New Greeting” and follow the prompts. You will receive a call from Google Voice, upon which you will record your message. It may take a few tries to get it just right; just make sure you have fun with it. And guess what…? You’re do!

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